How much does it cost to ship a car from miami to houston?

The following table provides data on. We provide estimated delivery times for your specific route from Florida to Texas when you get an instant quote. Get an instant quote or call our transportation specialists. When you're ready, book your order.

We'll call you to confirm the details. Car carriers move away from the peninsula unless they ship to or from cities on the peninsula, such as Panama City and Pensacola, to or from cities along I-10 in the southern part of the country.

In southwest Florida, the cities of Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Naples are also great places for transporting vehicles.

If a carrier has to start somewhere in the extreme south of Florida, such as Miami, and deliver a vehicle to a place in the extreme west of Texas, such as El Paso, the route is more than 1900 miles and the carrier will take 4 to 5 days to travel. Transportation of a car from Florida to Texas is in high demand all year round, given the mild climate that both states enjoy year-round. We have been shipping cars from Florida to Texas for dealers and private vehicle owners for more than 20 years.

If you take the total distance of your route and divide it by 500, you'll get the approximate number of days it will take to ship a car from Florida to Texas. Shipping a vehicle from Texas to Florida involves many critical steps, but if you take the time to plan and research, it's a simple process. When shipping a car from Florida, it's important to prepare the vehicle properly to avoid any damage during transportation. From finding vehicle transportation experts who specialize in the route from Texas to Florida to understanding the factors that affect cost, we've got you covered. The only time of year when you should be concerned about potential delays when sending a vehicle from Florida to Texas is during hurricane season and, sometimes, in the dead of winter, when parts of central and northern Texas are prone to ice storms.