How long does it take to ship a car from florida to ohio?

Carriers can travel around 500 miles per day. If you take the total distance of the route and divide it by 500, you'll get the approximate number of days it will take to ship a vehicle from Florida to Ohio. If you take the total distance of the route and divide it by 500, you'll get the approximate number of days it will take to ship a vehicle from Ohio to Florida. Car carriers avoid traveling to the peninsula, unless they ship to or from cities in the region, such as Panama City and Pensacola, to or from cities located along I-10 in the southern part of the country.

The cheapest time of year to ship a car from Ohio to Florida is early spring, when most transportation goes in the opposite direction (FL to OH). In southwest Florida, the cities of Fort Myers, Cape Coral and Naples are also great places for shipping vehicles. An accredited auto transport company will have contingency plans to ensure the timely and safe delivery of your vehicle. Choosing a licensed and experienced auto transport company that provides comprehensive transportation services is crucial to avoid counterfeiting and obtaining more accurate delivery times.

We ship cars frequently from Florida to Ohio, especially when snowbirds return to Ohio in early spring. Due to high demand, this is the most expensive time of year to ship a car from Florida to Ohio. Researching your options and finding a reputable company can help you save money and get reliable service when shipping your car to, from or within Florida.